Sunday 11 October 2009

Day 101


Picked up the campervan this morning and headed out of Darwin down the Stuart Highway then turned left onto the Arnhem Highway into the Kakado National Park.

Australians seem to like naming their roads. The Kakado Park is the largest of many hundreds of national parks across Australia.

Stopped off at a wetlands visitor centre where a large wetland area is being restored after many years of damage caused by the introduction of buffalo. The buffalo had churned up the ground and destroyed not only the plant life but also the natural barriers in this flat landscape which used to prevent the sea flooding it.

We then continued to the eastern most edge of the park where tomorrow we will look at the cave paintings done here over several thousand years.

The evening was spent moving our stuff around in the van ready for it being home for 3.5 weeks.

Lat 12 25.38 S
Long 132 57.10 E
Distance 25672+283km
Town Ubirr

1 comment:

  1. Mark is there a problem with the calander down there you seem to be reporting Sept when it is OCt here

    Peter NAsh

    PS only started following this week so missed first 90 days I am waiting for the book to come out

    PPS my spreadsheet is broken and ideas of how to fix?
