Thursday 3 September 2009

Day 63


Spent the day with Tom around the many temples within the Angkor area. Hired a tuk-tuk for the day for $15 and visited Angkor Wat, Angkor Thom, Ta Keo and Ta Prohm.

They are really quite stunning temples but for some reason I didn't get that "wow" feeling as we approached the first at Angkor Wat.

Built around 1050 to 1300 they are the temples and cities of the Kymer empire which (apart from Angkor Wat) were abandoned by 1600 and left to the jungle. Exploration and renovation started soon after 1900 led by the French and continues today with support from half a dozen countries.

Ta Prohm is of particular interest as it was deliberately left unrestored to show how most of the area was back in 1900. Today there is some restoration work going on here so that the tree roots growing through and on the structure don't destroy more.

Met up with Pat and Simon this evening and we ate in the town centre then wandered around the markets for a couple of hours.


  1. I have just looked closely at one of photoes and thought that you shaved off your beard. Is that right? Hope you are both ok. We are all fine here. Love to you both

  2. Nope - still have a beard. Too lazy to shave every day. Tom hadn't shaved since leaving England and still only has a bit of fluff on his face!
