Sunday 21 June 2009

Preparing the Vehicle (1)

"Bertie" is a 1990 Volkswagen T3 Multivan. He has a Westaflia Pop-Top roof which lifts to provide a 6' by 4' bed, and also provides headroom for more comfortable cooking etc in the van. There was a tall cupboard in the rear corner, with an overhead cupboard across the engine area. He also had a swivel base on the passenger seat and a split charger for a second battery.

The rear seat was a full width Westafalia "rock and roll" bed which we sold back to the guy we bought him from as the intention was to fit out the interior as a camper van.

He spent the first 17 years of his life in the country of his birth (so is left hand drive), but then travelled to the UK in 2007. He languished at Kombi Kampers in Wimborne Dorset until we spotted him and made Mike an irresistible offer to become his next owners.

So, what do you do to prepare an almost 20 year old vehicle for a journey through 21 countries to the other side of the world? You start with Google, as somebody will have done something similar already, and have passed on their experiences.

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